Arctostaphylos extract

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CAS Number: 84776-10-3
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Bearberry extract in cosmetology is used to cleanse and improve the appearance of the skin. Cosmetics containing it accelerate the process of replacing old skin cells with new ones that reflect light more gently, making the skin smooth, youthful and radiant.

The bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of bearberry help to cleanse the skin well, reduce inflammation, speed up the regeneration process, promote healing of any wounds and injuries.

Well removing dirt and grease from the pores of the skin, preparations based on bearberry help to get rid of «black spots» on the skin of the face, perfectly care for oily hair. Extract nourishes the hair follicles, stops hair loss, stimulates their growth.

The chemical composition of bearberry



Vegetable polyphenols


The presence of arbutozid in the composition of the plant contributes to the use of bearberry in traditional medicine, instead of other anti-inflammatory drugs, usually in pathologies associated with dysfunction of the bladder. Also, arbutozid is sometimes used in cosmetology, as a means to lighten the skin.

Flavonoids in the plant were used as tannins in industry. Moreover, these compounds have an excellent therapeutic effect in various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The content of flavonoids in the composition of the plant allows you to use it as a raw material for the manufacture of dye materials.

Flavonoids have a strong antioxidant effect, which is especially pronounced when used together with vitamin C. In such cases, antioxidants reduce the detrimental effect of oxygen free radicals on the body, increase the strength and elasticity of capillaries and increase blood clotting. However, the beneficial properties of bearberry are not limited to this.

Useful properties of bearberry

The most effective chemical compounds are contained in the leaves of this shrub. However, do not forget about the berries of this plant. Bearberry fruits are rich in antioxidants and are quite nutritious.

Shoots are used to make infusions that can help in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects of chemical compounds from the chemical. composition of the plant can be recommended for use for the treatment of various septic processes of any etiology.

The beneficial properties of bearberry are not limited solely to the diuretic effect on the urinary system of a person. The scientifically proven effect of this plant on mycobacteria allows for the use of bearberry based medications.


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